* – Cognitive Dissonance Theory…… & Opinion

Why would people watch something that they know is biased, or, borderline radical?

Interestingly enough, there might be a psychological reason behind it. After doing a little research I came across the topic of Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Wikipedia has a nice short explanation on its premise:

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling or stress caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a fundamental cognitive drive to reduce this dissonance by modifying an existing belief, or rejecting one of the contradictory ideas.

Hmm, interesting, so humans are programmed to, in a way, exist comfortably by leaning one way or the other. Besides all of the banter that could arise about bipartisanship, or even the discussion about us vs. them, the theory makes sense when it comes to the discussion of viewing patterns. We are naturally more comfortable, and accepting, of that which we know and that which we agree with. That makes sense. But to me, News is more like string theory than poetry – there exists (or at least there should) a distinguishable root in fact and provable information. All people, regardless of comfort ability or opinion, should want to receive the best, most knowledgeable news, right?

And what FOX News does, is distribute news right?


Well, besides for The O’Reilly Factor.

And Hannity and Colmes.

And basically any appearance by Geraldo Rivera.

Those are “News & Opinion Shows”.

Outfoxed brought up an interesting point: “Journalism is based off of the gathering of news and information: fact. When opinion enters the mix, it ceases to be journalism solely because opinion cannot be proven false

-You cannot write a retraction on opinion

-You cannot investigate into the merits of an opinion

-You cannot, really, well, get opinion “wrong”


Hmm. well, Walter Cronkite and Edward Murrow may be turning over in their graves over this indecency, but I have to give it to you Mr. Murdoch, nice strategy.

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